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Department of Physical Education and Sport Science


Position: Associate Professor
Tel/fax: +30- 210-7276114
Section: Sports Medicine & Biology of Exercise
E-mail: mkoskolu[at]phed.uoa[dot]gr


Scientific discipline
Exercise Physiology

-Physical Activity and Aging
-Nutrition: Sports Performance and Health
-Exercise,  Fitness, and Health

Research interests
-Cardiovascular and respiratory response to exercise
-Oxygen transport system and exercise performance (anemia, hypoxia, apnea, exercise-induced hypoxemia)
-Physical activity and aging

-Bachelor of Physical Education and Sport Science, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 1985.
-Master in Physical Education (Exercise Physiology), School of Physical Education, University of British Columbia, Canada, 1991.
-Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), August Krogh Institute (Zoophysiology and Sport Biological Theory), Department of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1998.

Indicative Publications

  1. Koskolou, M., McKenzie, D.C. (1994). Arterial hypoxemia and performance during intense exercise. European Journal of Applied Physiology68: 80-86.
  2. Koskolou, M.D., Roach, R.C., Calbet, J.A.L., Rädegran, G., Saltin, B. (1997). Cardiovascular response to dynamic knee-extension exercise. American Journal of Physiology273: H1787-H1793.
  3. Koskolou, M.D., Calbet, J.A.L., Rädegran, G., Roach, R.C. (1997). Hypoxia and the cardiovascular response to dynamic exercise with acute anemia in humans. American Journal of Physiology272: H2655-H2663.
  4. Saltin, B., Rädegran, G., Koskolou, M.D., Roach, R.C. (1998). Skeletal muscle blood flow and its regulation during exercise. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica162: 421-436.
  5. Calbet J.A.L., Lundby C., Koskolou, M., Boushel, R. (2006). Importance of hemoglobin concentration to exercise: Acute manipulations. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology, 151(2-3): 132-140.
  6. Vogiatzis, I., Georgiadou, O., Koskolou, M., Athanasopoulos, D., Kostikas, K., Golemati, S., Wagner, H. Roussos, C., Wagner, P.D., Zakynthinos, S. (2007). Effects of hypoxia on diaphragmatic fatigue in highly trained athletes. Journal of Physiology, 581(1): 299-308.
  7. Lundby, C., Robach, P., Boushel, R., Thomsen, J.J., Rasmussen, P., Koskolou, M., Calbet,J.A. (2008). Does recombinant human EPO increase exercise capacity by means other than augmenting O2 transport? Journal of Applied Physiology, 105(2): 581-587.       
  8. Kounalakis, S.N., Koskolou, M.D., Geladas, N.D. (2009). Oxygen saturation in the triceps brachii muscle during an arm Wingate test: the role of training and power output. Research in Sports Medicine, 17(3): 171-81.       
  9. Cherouveim, E.D., Botoni, P.G., Koskolou, M.D., Geladas, N.D. (2013). Effect of gender on maximal breath-hold time. European Journal of Applied Physiology113(5): 1321-1330, 2013.
  10. Gonzalez Henriquez, J.J., Losa-Reyna, J., Torres Peralta, R., Rädegran, G., Koskolou, M., Calbet, J.A.L. (2015). A new equation to estimate temperature-corrected PaCO2 from PETCO2 during exercise in normoxia and hypoxia. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports. doi: 10.111/sms.12545


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