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Department of Physical Education and Sport Science


Position: Professor
Tel: +30 2107276178 - 2107276180
Section:Theoretical Sciences
Office: Ethnikis Antistaseos 52, 17237
E-mail: iafthinos[at]phed.uoa[dot]gr


Scientific discipline
Sport Administration

-Sport management and administration
-Sport Management: Basic Principles
-Sport Marketing
-Sport Facility management
-Sport event management
-Internship in Sport Management

Research interests
-Simulation Applications in Sport Management
-Sport & Recreation Facilities Management
-Sport project management
-Sport marketing

-Physical education. University of Athens. Athens, Greece. 1982.
-Master of Arts in Sport Administration. Western Michigan University, U.S.A., 1986.
-Certificate in Sports and Special Events Marketing. New York University, U.S.A., 1991
-Ph.D., in Recreation Services and Resource Management. New York University, U.S.A., 1993

Indicative Publications

  1. Kiaffas, Z. G., & Afthinos, Y. D. (2015). Simulation processes as a learning tool in Sport Management. A pilot
  2. survey. Journal of Sport and Recreation Management12 (1), pp. 23 –34
  3. Nassis P., Theodorakis N., Afthinos I., Kolympalis C. (Spring 2014). The effect of fans' attitudes on sponsorship outcomes. Journal of Applied Sport Management. Vol.6, No. 1, 48-68.
  4. Karastathis D., Afthinos Υ., Gargalianos D. and Theodorakis N. (2014). The EFQM Excellence Model: An Exploratory Attempt for Assessing the Hellenic National Sport Federations. International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation and Tourism. (14).
  5. Κιάφφας Ζ., Αυθίνος I. (2013). Προσομοιώσεις για τη λήψη ορθών οργανωτικών αποφάσεων στη διοίκηση παραγωγής έργων αθλητικών διοργανώσεων. Διοίκηση αθλητισμού και αναψυχή,10(1), 1-14. (
  6. Nassis, P., Theodorakis, N., Alexandris, K., Tselou. A, & Afthinos, Y. (2012). Testing the role of team identification on the relationship between sport involvement and sponsorship outcomes in the context of professional soccer. International Journal of Sport Management, 13(4), 1-17.
  7. Afthinos, Y., Nassis, P., & Theodorakis, N. (2010). An Evaluation Communication Effectiveness of Water Polo: A content analytic study in Greece. International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 7(1/2), 76-90.
  8. Afthinos, Y., Theodorakis, N., & Nassis, P. (2005). Customers’ expectations of Service in Greek Fitness Centers: Gender, Age, Type of Sport Center, and Motivation Differences. Managing Service Quality. 15 (3), 245-258.

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