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Department of Physical Education and Sport Science


Position: Associate Professor
Tel/fax: 2107276147
Section:Team sports
E-mail: emzach[at]phed.uoa[dot]gr


Scientific discipline
Coaching science of basketball

-Didactics and Training Principles in Basketball
-Teaching Methods in Paraolympic Sportsl

Research interests
-Performance and coaching in basketball
-Applied exercise physiology  and biomechanics in team sports
-Adapted physical activity 

Degrees in Sports and Exercise science
-Ph.d in Exercise physiology


Indicative Publications

  1. Zacharakis E., Apostolidis N., Kostopoulos N., Bolatoglou T.(2012). The Sport Journal. Technical Abilities of Elite Wheelchair Basketball Players. ISSN: 1543-9518
  2. Zacharakis, E., Kounalakis, S, Nassis, G., Geladas, N. (2013). Cardiovascular drift in trained paraplegic αnd able- bodied individuals during prolonged wheelchair exercise: effect of fluid  replacement.  Appl Physiol Nutr Metab.  Apr;38(4):375-81
  3. N. Apostolidis., E. Zacharakis (2014). The Influence of the Anthropometric Characteristics and Handgrip Strength on Technical Skills of  Young Basketball Players. Serb J Sports Sci, Vol 8 No 3, Journal of Physical Education and Sport ® (JPES), 15(2), Art 50, pp.330 - 337, 2015 online ISSN: 2247 - 806X; p-ISSN: 2247 – 8051; ISSN - L = 2247 - 8051

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