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Department of Physical Education and Sport Science


Position: Assistant Professor
Tel: +302107276157
Section: Gymnastics and Dance


Scientific discipline
Greek Traditional Dance

-Dance Studies/Choreology with emphasis on Greek Traditional Dance
-Special Issues in Greek Traditional Dance
-Guided Internship in Greek Traditional Dance

Research interests
-Dance Events
-Traditional music

-Degree in Physical Education: TEFAA- University of Athens, 1981
 -PhD in Traditional Dance, Physical Education - University of Athens, 2003

Indicative Publications

  1. Lantzos V. (2005). «Functionality of secular dances towards anastenaria ritual in Costi at Sozoagathoupoli province (NE Thrace)and in Agia (Saint) Helen at Serres. Ethnologia Volume 11/2005. Athens:Greek Society of Ethnology,pp.  123-148.
  2. Lantzos V. (2007). «Social transformation and dance events: the case of the Day of Mami or Mpampo. Ethnologia Volume 13/2007. Athens:Greek Society of Ethnology,pp. 179-211.
  3. Lantzos V. (2011). «Is “the anastenaria dance” a survival of mandilatos dance of Thrace: Myth or reality?». Serbian Ethnological and Anthropological Society τόμος 17/2011. Institute of Ethnography Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, σελ. 81-108.
  4. Lantzos V. (2012).«Dance events and healing in Anastenaria worship». Proceedings of 33rd Global Conference for the Research of Dance, Athens 21-25 November 2012, Athens Section CID-UNESCO:,
  5. Lantzos V. (2012) Dance Events and Natural Environment: The Case of Holy Waters and Sacred Forests in Costi, N. Thrace, Publication in “Science of Dance”, Volume 6/2013, Electronic Journal,, ISSN 1790-7527, p.55-66.
  6. Lantzos V. & Pateraki M. (2013). «Dance as a dedicative practice in anastenaria ritual». Publication in Serbian Ethnological and Anthropological Society τόμος 22/2013. Institute of Ethnography Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, p. 85-107.
  7. Lantzos V. (2001). «Functions of worship – ecstatic dances in Anastenaria at Costi in Agathoupoli NE Thrace”.  Publication in Proceedings of 2nd International Conference for Folk Culture « Melody – Logos - Movement”. Τ.Ε.Φ.Α.Α. Serres,  ΔΕΠΚΑ, pp. 223-240
  8. Lantzos V. (2004). «The role of dance for the construction of cultural identity in Costilides of East Roumelia”. Publication in Proceedings of 3rd International Conference for Folk Culture « Dance and Cultural Identities in Balkans”. Τ.Ε.Φ.Α.Α. Serres,  ΔΕΠΚΑ, pp. 23-32.