Position: Assistant Professor
Tel: +302107276157
Section: Gymnastics and Dance
Scientific discipline
Greek Traditional Dance
-Dance Studies/Choreology with emphasis on Greek Traditional Dance
-Special Issues in Greek Traditional Dance
-Guided Internship in Greek Traditional Dance
Research interests
-Dance Events
-Traditional music
-Degree in Physical Education: TEFAA- University of Athens, 1981
-PhD in Traditional Dance, Physical Education - University of Athens, 2003
Indicative Publications
- Lantzos V. (2005). «Functionality of secular dances towards anastenaria ritual in Costi at Sozoagathoupoli province (NE Thrace)and in Agia (Saint) Helen at Serres. Ethnologia Volume 11/2005. Athens:Greek Society of Ethnology,pp. 123-148.
- Lantzos V. (2007). «Social transformation and dance events: the case of the Day of Mami or Mpampo. Ethnologia Volume 13/2007. Athens:Greek Society of Ethnology,pp. 179-211.
- Lantzos V. (2011). «Is “the anastenaria dance” a survival of mandilatos dance of Thrace: Myth or reality?». Serbian Ethnological and Anthropological Society τόμος 17/2011. Institute of Ethnography Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, σελ. 81-108.
- Lantzos V. (2012).«Dance events and healing in Anastenaria worship». Proceedings of 33rd Global Conference for the Research of Dance, Athens 21-25 November 2012, Athens Section CID-UNESCO: http://www.cid-portal.org/cdr/athens2012/index.php/program),
- Lantzos V. (2012) Dance Events and Natural Environment: The Case of Holy Waters and Sacred Forests in Costi, N. Thrace, Publication in “Science of Dance”, Volume 6/2013, Electronic Journal, www.elepex.gr, ISSN 1790-7527, p.55-66.
- Lantzos V. & Pateraki M. (2013). «Dance as a dedicative practice in anastenaria ritual». Publication in Serbian Ethnological and Anthropological Society τόμος 22/2013. Institute of Ethnography Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, p. 85-107.
- Lantzos V. (2001). «Functions of worship – ecstatic dances in Anastenaria at Costi in Agathoupoli NE Thrace”. Publication in Proceedings of 2nd International Conference for Folk Culture « Melody – Logos - Movement”. Τ.Ε.Φ.Α.Α. Serres, ΔΕΠΚΑ, pp. 223-240
- Lantzos V. (2004). «The role of dance for the construction of cultural identity in Costilides of East Roumelia”. Publication in Proceedings of 3rd International Conference for Folk Culture « Dance and Cultural Identities in Balkans”. Τ.Ε.Φ.Α.Α. Serres, ΔΕΠΚΑ, pp. 23-32.