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Department of Physical Education and Sport Science


Position: Professor
Tel/fax:  +30 210 7276167
Section:Track & Field
E-mail: gparadi[at]phed.uoa[dot]gr


Scientific discipline
Athletics Training - Running

-Didactics and Theory of Training in Track and Field Running Events
-Theory of Athletic Training
-Kinesiological Analysis in Track and Field Running Events
-Teaching Methods in Track and Field Running Events

-Research interests
-Physiological & biomechanical adaptations of training
-Kinematical and kinetic characteristics of human movements
-Physical activity & health

-BSci in Physical Education and Sports Science, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, 1989
-MSci in Sports Coaching, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 1991
-PhD in Sports Training, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK, 1998
-Post graduate diploma in Distance learning, Greek Open University, 2001

Indicative Publications

  1. C Chryssanthopoulos, C Ziaras, E Zacharogiannis, A Travlos, GP Paradisis, I Lambropoulos, C Tsolakis, F Zeglis, M Maridaki (2015). Variability of performance during a 60-min running race. Journal of Sports Sciences, 33 (19), 2051-2060. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2015.1026379
  2. Pappas, P., Paradisis, G., & Vagenas, G. (2015). Leg and vertical stiffness (a) symmetry between dominant and non-dominant legs in young male runners. Human Movement Science, 40, 273-283. doi:10.1016/j.humov.2015.01.005
  3. Paradisis GP, Zacharogiannis E., Mandila D., Smirtiotou A., Argeitaki P., Cooke C. (2014). Multi-Stage 20-m shuttle run fitness test, maximal oxygen uptake and velocity at maximal oxygen uptake. Journal of Human Kinetics, 41, 81-87. doi:10.2478/hukin-2014-0035
  4. GP Paradisis, P. Pappas. A.Theodorou, E. Zacharogiannis, E.Skordilis and A. Smirniotou (2014). Effects of Static and Dynamic Stretching on Sprint and Jump Performance in Boys and Girls. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 28 (1), pp 154–160. doi:  10.1519/JSC. 0b013e318295d2fb
  5. GP Paradisis, A. Bissas, C. Cooke (2013). Changes in Leg Strength and Kinematics with Uphill - Downhill Sprint Training, International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 8(3): 543-556.
  6. GP Paradisis, Α. Μπίσσας, C. Cooke (2009). Combined Uphill and Downhill Sprint Running Training is More Efficacious than Horizontal, International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 4: 229-243.
  7. GP Paradisis, Ηλίας Ζαχαρόγιαννης (2007). Effects of whole-body vibration training on sprint running kinematics and explosive strength performance. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 6, 44 – 49.
  8. GP Paradisis, C. Cooke (2006). The effects of sprint running training on sloping surfaces. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 20(4), pp 767 - 777.
  9. A. Theodorou, K. Havenetidis, C. Zanker, J. O’Hara, R. King, C. Hood, GP Paradisis, C. Cooke (2005). Effects of acute creatine loading, with, or without carbohydrate on repeated bouts of maximal swimming in high performance swimmers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 19(2), pp 265 - 269. 
  10. GP Paradisis, C. Cooke (2001). Kinematic and Postural Characteristics of Sprint Running on Sloping Surfaces. Journal of Sport Science, Vol. 19 pp 149-159. smpp/content~db=all~content=a713776413


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