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Department of Physical Education and Sport Science


Position: Professor
Tel/fax:  210 7276100/6103
Section: Track & Field
E-mail: asmirn[at]phed.uoa[dot]gr


Research interests
-Training adaptations in sports
-Motor learning, behavior & Technique in Track & Field events
-Female issues in sport

-Didactics and Theory of Training in Track and Field Running Events
-Internship in Track and Field Running Events

-Diploma in  PE and Sports,1981
-MA in Sports Science, WMU,USA
-PhD diploma, Kapodistrian University of Athens, 1996

Indicative Publications

  1.  Smirniotou, A., Katsikas, C., Salakos, N. and Kreatsas,G. (2006). The effect of menstrual cycle phases on anaerobic power performance. International Journal of Fitness, 2 (2), 17-25.
  2. Zacharogiannis, E., Smirniotou, A., Tziortzis, S., & Paradisis, G. (2007). The relationships of selected physiological characteristics with performance on the historic Athens Marathon course. New Studies in Athletics,22 (1),39–48.
  3. Smirniotou, A., Katsikas, C., Paradisis, G., Argeitaki, P., Zacharogiannis, E., & Tziortzis, S. (2008). Strength – power parameters as predictors of sprinting performance. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 48, 447 - 454.
  4. Martinopoulou, K., Argeitaki, P., Paradisis, G., Katsikas, C., & Smirniotou, A. (2011). The effects of resisted training using parachute on sprint performance. Biology of Exercise, 7(1), 7-23.
  5. Panteli, F., Tsolakis, C., Efthimiou, D., & Smirniotou, A. (2013). Acquisition of the long jump skill, using different learning techniques. The Sport Psychologist, 27, 40-52.
  6. Panteli, F., Theodorou, A., Pilianidis, Th., & Smirniotou, A. (2013). Locomotor control in the long jump approach run in young novice athletes. Journal of Sports Sciences, ……
  7. Paradisis, G., Theodorou, A., Pappas, P., Zacharogiannis, E., Skordilis, E., & Smirniotou, A. (2014). Effects of static and dynamic stretching on sprint and jump performance in boys and girls. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 28,1,154-160.
  8. Paradisis, G., Zacharogiannis, E., Mandila, D., Smirniotou, A., Argeitaki, P., Cooke,C. (2014). Multi-stage 20m Shuttle run Fitness test, Maximal Oxygen Uptake. Journal of Human Kinetics, 41,81-87.
  9. Ntallas, Smirniotou, Di Canio, Tsopani, Tsolakis  (2014). The acute effect of different stretching methods on flexibility and jumping performance in competitive artistic gymnasts .Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness , 54(6):683-90 .


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