Position: Professor
Tel/fax: 210 7276100/6103
Section: Track & Field
E-mail: asmirn[at]phed.uoa[dot]gr
Research interests
-Training adaptations in sports
-Motor learning, behavior & Technique in Track & Field events
-Female issues in sport
-Didactics and Theory of Training in Track and Field Running Events
-Internship in Track and Field Running Events
-Diploma in PE and Sports,1981
-MA in Sports Science, WMU,USA
-PhD diploma, Kapodistrian University of Athens, 1996
Indicative Publications
- Smirniotou, A., Katsikas, C., Salakos, N. and Kreatsas,G. (2006). The effect of menstrual cycle phases on anaerobic power performance. International Journal of Fitness, 2 (2), 17-25.
- Zacharogiannis, E., Smirniotou, A., Tziortzis, S., & Paradisis, G. (2007). The relationships of selected physiological characteristics with performance on the historic Athens Marathon course. New Studies in Athletics,22 (1),39–48.
- Smirniotou, A., Katsikas, C., Paradisis, G., Argeitaki, P., Zacharogiannis, E., & Tziortzis, S. (2008). Strength – power parameters as predictors of sprinting performance. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 48, 447 - 454.
- Martinopoulou, K., Argeitaki, P., Paradisis, G., Katsikas, C., & Smirniotou, A. (2011). The effects of resisted training using parachute on sprint performance. Biology of Exercise, 7(1), 7-23.
- Panteli, F., Tsolakis, C., Efthimiou, D., & Smirniotou, A. (2013). Acquisition of the long jump skill, using different learning techniques. The Sport Psychologist, 27, 40-52.
- Panteli, F., Theodorou, A., Pilianidis, Th., & Smirniotou, A. (2013). Locomotor control in the long jump approach run in young novice athletes. Journal of Sports Sciences, ……
- Paradisis, G., Theodorou, A., Pappas, P., Zacharogiannis, E., Skordilis, E., & Smirniotou, A. (2014). Effects of static and dynamic stretching on sprint and jump performance in boys and girls. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 28,1,154-160.
- Paradisis, G., Zacharogiannis, E., Mandila, D., Smirniotou, A., Argeitaki, P., Cooke,C. (2014). Multi-stage 20m Shuttle run Fitness test, Maximal Oxygen Uptake. Journal of Human Kinetics, 41,81-87.
- Ntallas, Smirniotou, Di Canio, Tsopani, Tsolakis (2014). The acute effect of different stretching methods on flexibility and jumping performance in competitive artistic gymnasts .Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness , 54(6):683-90 .