Position: Special Teaching Staff
Section: Track & Field
Scientific discipline
-Methodology of Teaching Strength Training (Laboratories)
Resaerch interests
-Methodology of Teaching Strength Training
- Rhythmic gymnastics
-Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education and Sports Science at National and Kapodistrian Univesity of Athens, 1986
-Phd in Laboratory of Biological Chemistry, School of Medicine at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 2010
Indicative Publications:
- Κakavas A. , Siokou E. , Sotiropoulos A. , Souglis A. (2015). Evaluation of biochemical parameters in the blood of adolescent boys and girls. Journal of Physical Education and Sports. 15(2) 160-166. (https://efsupit.ro/images/stories/nr2.2015/art25.pdf)
- Papapanagiotou A. , Souglis A. , Siokou E., Sotiropoulos A. (2006). The effect of training on Pro-BNP and CK-MB on young athletes. British journal of Sports medicine. 40 (10) 891.
- Sotiropoulos A., Papapanagiotou A., Siokou E. (2006). Study of the blood profile and the phenomenon of hemolysis in amateur football players before and after an official match. Iatrika Chronika. 29 (4) 215-223.
- Sotiropoulos A., Kambouris N., Kaseta M., Tzagarakis G., Papadopoulou T., Kostopouloς, N. , Siokou E. , Baltopoulos P. (2002). The effect of real playing conditions on the plasma enzymes of football players. MedicalReviewScriptaPeriodica. 5 (1) 53-63.
- Sotiropoulos A., Souglis A., Zerva L., Siokou E., Bekris E. (2002). The role of special and general training in the development of technical skills of young footballers. Exercise & Society: Journal of Sports Science. Νο 31(34).
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