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Department of Physical Education and Sport Science



The Physical Education and Sports postgraduate program provides specialized knowledge in the social space of sport, the organization of sports and coaching through theoretical perspectives of the Social Sciences, the Humanities and Pedagogy.

To provide high quality postgraduate education in the scientific field of physical education and sports. After the successful completion of the postgraduate program, students will acquire the diploma/degree MSc in Physical Education and Sport of the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science, the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA).

Postgraduate degree The MSc in Physical Education and Sport has one of the following specializations: 1. Pedagogy, Sociology and Humanities in Sport 2. Organizational Studies in Sports 3. Sport Training and Coaching

Admission categories
Accepted into the postgraduate program are graduates from other Physical Education and Sport Science university departments in Greece and abroad, the latter following official recognition of their studies from DOATAP (The Hellenic National Academic Recognition and Information Center) Additionally, accepted into the postgraduate program are scholars and members of the teaching staff or the academic community (categories EEP, EDIP and ETEP in accordance with par. 8 of article 34 of Law 4485/17 and only one person per year, in a field or subject  related to the one they teach or serve in the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science.

Study requirements
A total of 120 ECTS are required for the master’s degree/diploma. Postgraduate students are required to attend classes and  pass their courses, do research and prepare scientific papers, in addition to their postgraduate thesis. Courses are taught in the Greek language. Four academic semesters are required to complete the program and be awarded the master’s diploma.

Funding the postgraduate program
The operating costs of the postgraduate program in “Physical Education and Sport” will be covered by:
-The budget of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
-The budget of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs
-Donations, benefits, bequests, and any kind of sponsorship from the public or private sector, research programs, projects of the European Union or other international organizations, revenues of the university’s Special Accounts for Research Funds (ELKE),
-and any other legal sources.

Duration of the postgraduate programs
Academic years 2027-2028 in accordance with par. 8, article and par. 6 of article 44 of Law 4485/2017.

Transitional provisions
Any matters not regulated in this decision, will be managed by the Postgraduate Studies Regulations and by the responsible bodies in accordance with the current legislation.