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Department of Physical Education and Sport Science


Position: Assistant Professor
Tel/fax: 0030/2107276168
Section: Team Sports
E-mail: micmit[at]phed.uoa[dot]gr


Scientific discipline
Football Coaching

-Didactics and Training Principles in Football
-Technical Analysis of Football
-Training Methods in Football
-Special Issues in Football
-Directed Study in Football
-Team Tactics in Football
-Internship in Football

Research interests
-Training/education in Soccer
-Game Analysis in Soccer
-Coach education in Soccer

-Degree in Physical Education, specialization in Soccer, 1982.
-Postgraduate studies:
-Postgraduate specialization in Football, German Sport University of Cologne (Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln), 1993-1995
-Promotion Preparatory Studies (Training science in soccer and European sports studies), German -Sport University of Cologne (Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln), 1996-2000
PhD in Sport Science, German Sport University of Cologne (Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln), 2003

Indicative Publications

  1. Mitrotasios, M., Armatas, V. (2014). Analysis of Goal Scoring Patterns in the 2012 European Football Championship. The Sport Journal. United States Sports Academy. America’s Sports University.
  2. Michailidis, C., Michailidis, Y., Mitrotasios, M., Papanikolaou, Z., (2013). Analysis of goals scored in the UEFA champions’ league in the period 2009/2010. Serb J Sport Sci. 7(2): 51.
  3. Manolopoulos, E., Kalapotharakos, V., Ziogas, G., Michalis Mitrotasios, Spaneas, K., Tokmakidis, S. (2012). Heart Rate Responses during Small-Sided Soccer Games. Journal Sports Medicine Doping Studies, 2:108, ISSN: 2161-0673. 1000108, JSMDS, Volume 2, Issue 2.
  4. Ispirlidis, I., Mitrotasios, M., Gourgoulis, V. (2008). Endurance adaptions in professional soccer players during the off season period. Sports Organization Journal, Department of Sport Management Sparta, University of Peloponnese, 6 (1), 25-29.
  5. Μitrotasios, M., Sentelidis, T. H. & Sotiropoulos, A., (2006). The systematic observation and analysis of the scored goals in soccer as a base to coaching in the training and the match. Hellenic Journal of Physical Education, 60, 58-74.
  6. 6.       Mitrotasios M(2005): Harmonization of Soccer Coach Professional Education at European Level. Sports Law Implementation and the Olympic Games. In. D. Panagiotopoulos (Ed.). Athens: Sakkoulas, 486-495.
  7. Mitrotasios, M., Sotiropoulos, A., Vagenas, G. (2005): Statistical Profile of Coach Replacement in the Greek Professional Soccer League. Sportmanagement International Journal – Choregia, Department of Sport Management Sparta, University of Peloponnese, 1 (1): pp 52-61.
  8. Mitrotasios M., Sotiropoulos A., Zarotis G., Varsamis P., Katsagolis A. (2004): Erfolgsursachen von Fußballtrainern in der Bundesliga. Leistungssport 34, 1, S. 50-54. (ISSN. 0341-7387),
  9. Mitrotasios, M./ Tokarski, W./ Gerisch, G. (2002): Das Selbstkonzept des Trainers im Sozialsystem des Spitzenfußballs. FIT- WISSENSCHAFTSMAGAZIN der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln 7 (2002) 1, S. 37-45. (ISSN: 1434-7776)

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